Dormitory regulations for international students
Dormitory rules that must be observed by the dormitory students living in the dormitorie
- The damage caused to a delivered / consumed property must be calculated by the dormitory affairs department at the end of each semester or academic year, it should be paid after the approval of the student and culture vice-chancellor, which has been approved by the financial management of the university. The dormitory affairs department will renew the student's residence card only if the damages have been paid.
- The provision of personal items, including blankets, sheets and pillows, is the responsibility of the student. Mattresses, beds, and wardrobes are not included.
- Keeping, supplying and selling any psychoactive substances such as tobacco, drugs, stimulants, etc. in stores and buffets located in all places and student spaces is absolutely prohibited.
- According to necessity, student's room or dormitory may be changed during the period of residence in the dormitory, therefore, the students are obliged to stay in the places that are determined for them.
- Determining the number of people in each room is the responsibility of the dormitory affairs department, and the students living in the room are not allowed to oppose the entry of new people who have received permission to live in the room.
- In order to save, optimize the efficiency of energy carriers, manpower and carry out repairs and construction affairs of the dormitories, if it is required to move and assemblage, the students are obliged to cooperate with the administration of the dormitories.
- When entering and leaving the dormitory, students must register their entry and exit according to the rules and attendance system in that dormitory.
- In order to maintain the discipline and security, the supervisor of the dormitory shift must go to all the floors and rooms at the end of the designated entry and exit time and record their presence and absence in the attendance book while observing the students respectfully. After checking, report the cases of absence to the dormitory affairs department.
- Adherence to appropriate clothing and whatever the students behave inside or outside their room should be based on the rules of behavior and clothing of the students of the University of Medical Sciences of the country.
- Having inappropriate clothes (tight, short, under the shirt, etc.) which is contrary to Islamic etiquette, student affairs and community customs, is generally prohibited in the public spaces of the dormitories, and the entry and exit of people with inappropriate clothing will be prevented.
- Any movement or transfer of common property of the dormitory by the student is prohibited.
- Any change or replacement of the room door lock, change or transfer of property inside the room or unit without the permission of the dormitory or the dormitory supervisor is prohibited.
- The way to use the facilities and internet in the dormitories is determined according to the conditions and facilities of each university and based on the policies of the cultural council of that university. The coordination and supervision of the correct implementation of these policies is the responsibility of the student and cultural vice-chancellor of the university and its subordinate units.
- The behavior of the students living in the dormitories, which due to the special condition of the building overlooks the neighboring residential places, should not cause the discomfort of the neighbors.
- In order to maintain the security of student affairs, it is forbidden to take photos or videos of the internal environment of the student dormitory without obtaining permission from the dormitory affairs department.
- Any misuse of mobile phone technology, cameras, etc. in student dormitories will be treated according to the regulations of the Student Disciplinary Council in addition to prosecution.
- Misusing and excessive consumption of water, electricity, and gas is not morally and religiously permissible. Also, any type of deployment of devices such as electric kettle, rice cooker, freezer, heater, adding gas lamps or devices that endanger the safety of the dormitory, and cooking or heating food inside the room is generally prohibited. Related unauthorized equipment will be collected, and the cost of excess electricity consumption and all possible damages caused to it such as fire, carpet destruction, etc. will be the responsibility of the students who use it.
- Students should remember to turn off all electrical, gas and heating and cooling systems in their room when leaving the dormitory.
- Observance of environmental hygiene and cleanliness of the room or student housing unit and the equipment in it, especially the refrigerator, will be the responsibility of the students living in that room or unit, and the way to monitor will be the responsibility of the dormitory shift supervisor.
- Students are not allowed to interfere in the facilities and in case of problems, in order to prevent possible damages, it is necessary to inform in writing the dormitory official.
- The supervisor of the dormitory shift has no responsibility for the personal belongings inside the student's room and the students are responsible for keeping their personal property.
- Keeping, distributing, buying and selling, and using illegal tools such as gambling equipment, hot and cold guns, etc. is strictly prohibited. Violators will be dealt according to the student disciplinary code.
- The possession and consuming of any opioids, alcoholic beverages, and psychotropic drugs such as tobacco, drugs, stimulants, etc.
- It is possible to keep musical instruments in the dormitory only with the approval of the cultural management.
- The head of the dormitory affairs department, in coordination with the superior officer and with the presence of a representative introduced by the university security, in necessary situations and reporting suspicious cases, is allowed to preferably in the presence of the student, whether visiting the room or inspecting the lockers, suitcases and personal supplies in the student's room.
- If a student behaves against these rules and regulations, none of the students are allowed to be verbally or physically assaulted and they must report it to the authorities for handling.
- Any physical and verbal conflict while reporting to the Students Disciplinary Council will lead to the exclusion of the culprits from the dormitory according to the opinion and approval of the Accommodation Committee.
- The student's residence permit in the dormitory can be canceled at any point of time if it is determined that she/he is not qualified to continue the residence. Determining the ineligibility of the student is the responsibility of the accommodation committee and the disciplinary council of the university.
- The entry and stay of non-students as guests etc. in student dormitories is prohibited without obtaining permission.
- A non-resident student's stay in the dormitory is allowed only with the consent of the host's roommates and permission from the dormitory administration for a limited time.
- The university has no obligation to provide parking for students' personal vehicles in the dormitory.